C++ In a Nutshell

Chapter 1 : Language Basics

-Compilation Steps
-Character Sets
-Alternative Tokens

Chapter 2 : Declarations

-Declarations and Definitions
-Name Lookup
-Type Declarations
-Object Declarations

Chapter 3 : Expressions

-Lvalues and Rvalues
-Type Conversions
-Constant Expressions
-Expression Evaluation
-Expression Rules

Chapter 4 : Statements

-Expression Statements
-Compound Statements
-Control Statements
-Handling Exceptions

Chapter 5 : Functions

-Function Declarations
-Function Definitions
-Function Overloading
-Operator Overloading
-The main Function

Chapter 6 : Classes

-Class Definitions
-Data Members
-Member Functions
-Access Specifiers
-Nested Types

Chapter 7 : Templates

-Overview of Templates
-Template Declarations
-Function Templates
-Class Templates
-Partial Specialization
-Name Lookup
-Tricks with Templates
-Compiling Templates

Chapter 8 : Standard Library

-Overview of the Standard Library
-C Library Wrappers
-Wide and Multibyte Characters
-Traits and Policies

Chapter 9 : Input and Output

-Introduction to I/O Streams
-Text I/O
-Binary I/O
-Stream Buffers
-Errors and Exceptions

Chapter 10 : Containers, Iterators, and Algorithms


Chapter 11 : Preprocessor Reference

Chapter 12 : Language Reference

Chapter 13 : Library Reference

Appendix A : Compiler Extensions

-Borland C++ Builder and Kylix
-GNU Compiler Collection
-Microsoft Visual C++

Appendix B : Projects
